Advanced Forensic Data Analytics Feature – MailXaminer Tool
In today’s era, even cybercriminals are having advanced technical aids. As a result, forensic investigators in cyberspace need to be fully equipped and empowered with an advanced tool. These proficiencies will help them to inspect, analyze, and validate the crime scene properly. The usage of modern techniques (Forensic Data Analytics) during the investigations will help the investigators to gather evidence that can support the theories and arguments with authenticity.
Usually, it is difficult for the forensic team to analyze the collected artefacts. However, it is made easy with MailXaminer, which is an ultra-quick software to beat all those challenging forensic situations. Unlike other Email Forensics Software, it is developed with powerful algorithms, which offers effective features making the analysis easy. With the help of this blog, we will highlight the different analytics functionalities that are rendered by the tool in an understandable manner.
Quick Glance of Upcoming Topics
Simplified Classification of Forensic Data Analytics Tool

Understanding of Forensic Evidence-Based Analytics Software
The remarkable software offers different analytics options that help investigating officers to examine the emails deeply. Each option is distinct which provides information associated to the suspected email message.

The different analytics options, which are incorporated in the software includes the following,
- Word Cloud
- Timeline Analysis
- Link Analysis
- Entity Analysis
Let’s discuss the functionality of each analytics option in detail:
1. Word Cloud
Using “Word Cloud” analysis, it provides a pictorial representation of the frequency of words used for a particular message. It displays the words in different sizes and colors. Words displayed in different color and size makes the representation clear and attractive. Bigger the size of words indicates maximum frequency words whereas smaller the size of words specifies low-frequency words.

After selecting the email from the software panel, choose “Word Cloud” option under Analytics. A window will open which will display a visual representation of the frequently used words from the email message. Moreover, the information can also be viewed from the table, which is displayed at the right-corner of the screen. It displays the maximum utilized words along with the frequency count for each term.

2. Timeline Analysis
Timeline Analysis provides a graphical representation of the frequency of emails by Year, Month and Date. It helps the investigator to view detailed email conversation between the sender and the receiver. Besides this, it also provides information about the type of data that has been extracted from the email message. This includes Mails, Deleted Emails, Attachments, Calendars, Loose files, Chats, Calls, SMS, etc.

This analysis option also lets the forensic experts to customize the mailbox items as per their needs. Also, it allows to set the color for different sections such as chats, calls, attachments, emails, etc. to easily differentiate the data from the graph. Furthermore, the timeline analysis results can be exported in the desired file format of your choice like PST, PDF, HTML, etc. for future reference purpose.

3. Link Analysis
With the help of Link Analysis, one can efficiently detect the relationship between multiple users that are connected with each other. Once the email addresses are selected, it shows pictorial representation with Mails, Chats, Calls and SMS details through which they are linked with each other. The date filter option is also available to analyze the specific data within the provided date range.

With this analysis, it also allows to view the related email conversation for the chosen email addresses. In order to save the link analysis result, one can effortlessly save it in different file formats and also avail customized export settings option. Moreover, it helps the investigating officers to thoroughly examine the exchanged data between the users.

4. Entity Analysis
Entity Analysis is another highlighted option that comes under Analytics feature. It allows the investigating officers to find words from the email message. This includes explicitly location-oriented words such as London, Delhi, Pune, etc. It not only navigates the words from the email message but also displays the frequency of the used words by count.

Finishing Thoughts – Forensic Data Analytics Tool
When it comes to comprehensively analyze the email messages, it is suggested to avail third-party software. For that, we have introduced the best ever automated tool i.e., MailXaminer in this blog. The software provides advanced analytics options to precisely investigate the emails. It offers different analysis options such as Link Analysis, Timeline Analysis, Word Cloud, and Entity Analysis. With this, cyber investigators can deeply examine the emails without giving a chance to miss any minute detail.